Governing Board
The Governing Board is the ultimate body responsible for the Partnership, making the decisions regarding governance, strategic orientation and operational implementation. Water4All has a single Governing Board , even when several Grant Agreements are running in parallel. → More details
Executive Board
The purpose of the Executive Board is to implement the strategy defined and issued by the Governing Board, to which the Executive Board is subordinated. A high degree of coordination is expected between the Governing Board and the Executive Board. The Executive Board monitors the progress of the activities, the implementation of the Governing Board decisions, and prepares recommendations for Governing Board consideration. → More details
Advisory Boards
Advisory Boards give advice to Water4All Governing Board, Executive Board and Activity Steering Committees on specific issues as requested. Two independent bodies, the Scientific and Technological Board (STB) and the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) perform these tasks. In order to contain global costs, the Advisory Boards are shared with the Water JPI, which can consult them on specific issues according to its own needs. → More details
Partnership Coordination Team
The Partnership Coordination Team organises the day-to-day management and implements the tasks assigned by the Governing Board and the Executive Board, reporting to both of them. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the functional head of the Partnership Coordination Team and is appointed by the Coordinator. → More details
Activity Steering Committee
An Activity Steering Committee is the decision-making body responsible for the implementation of a specific activity of the Partnership (e.g., Call Steering Committee - CSC). The ASC is composed of mandated representatives of the Partners participating in the ad-hoc activity.
Observing Partners Board
The Observing Partners Board is gathering a range of Partners interested in following the development of the Partnership, and even in participating in some actions on a voluntary basis, without EC funding and related contractual commitment towards the EC.
Ethics and Deontology Board
The Ethics and Deontology Board is an independent body. It gives advice to Partnership Governance Bodies on specific issues as requested. Its main role is to support the Partnership in the application of the ethical and deontology principles by the Consortium and by its funded projects. → More details
- Water4All Terms of Reference_January2023 (PDF - 973.72 KB)