The Water4All Partnership was invited to participate to the first seminar on phasing-out strategies organised by ERA-LEARN and the European Commision on the 21st September.
The primary purpose of this seminar was to discuss with the audience possibilities and modalities for the phasing-out of Horizon Europe Partnerships in order to make these initiatives fully self-sustainable in the medium to long term. This phasing-out should therefore allow Partnerships to continue their activities without the direct contribution of the European Commission.
The seminar counted the participation of several coordinators of ongoing European initiatives such as Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs), Era-Nets, and the European Institute of Technology and Innovation (EIT) in the fields of the environment, agriculture, digitalisation and quantum technologies.
Representatives of the Commission presented their timeline and asked the audience to work on a phasing-out plan that will outline possible actions to enable the full self-sustainability of their initiative. This seminar also offered the opportunity to Partnership representatives to point out existing difficulties for the phasing-out. All these inputs will be considered by the Commission in the planning of next steps, in particular as regards the launch or continuation of ongoing Partnerships.
Workshop on European Partnerships phasing-out strategies — ERA-LEARN