Water4All will attend the XVIII World Water Congress (Harmony between Humans and Nature) which will take place in Beijing from the 11th to the 15th of September 2023.
Organised by the International Water Resources Association (IWRA) and the Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China (MWR), the congress will cover several topics which are fully in line with the Water4all strategic agenda : 1/ water – human – economy – ecology nexus under a changing environment 2/ Promoting water efficiency – Productivity and services 3/ Building resilience for disaster – Prevention and mitigation 4/ Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem – Health and functions 5/ Establishing sustainable water infrastructures 6/ innovation for water – governance
Water4All will particularly be involved in a special session on “Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration in freshwater ecosystems: insights from law, practice, and research around the world” led by the University of Evora, Tonji University and the Insttiute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (China). The session will address a series of knowledge and state of the art presentations from different regions followed by discussion based on the identification of needs, solutions and proposals for future work on implementing ecological restoration efforts and examining practical means to incorporate the restorative continuum in actual policy priorities to achieve water-related SDGs. The event will focus on building synergies with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and will include an interactive dialogue with the audience.