- Type of action : Joint Calls
- Duration : SEPT. 2022 – END 2027
- Pillar(s) : Pillar B - Research and Innovation Development
- Budget : over 30 M€
- Leader : MUR
Download the 2022 JTC booklet in .pdf: here
27 Funded Projects |
Project Acronym | Title | Coordinating country |
Sustainable aquifer recharge to enhance resilience of groundwater services under increased drought risk. |
IT |
ClimEx-PE | Climate extremes buffering through groundwater flow-based managed aquifer recharge and public engagement | HU |
DATASET. | GrounDwater sAlinizaTion and leaching AsseSsmEnt Tool: a holistic approach for coastal areas. | IT |
DEMOTAPE | Designing multi-knowledge protocols to transform transboundary policies for hydroclimatic extremes | GB |
DIME | Developing innovative solution for mitigation of drought effects | RO |
ECCO | Enhancing resilience in a changing climate through comprehensive urban flood design | NO |
GreenAdapt2Extremes | Green adaptation pathways for resilient basin futures under increasing extreme floods and droughts | DE |
GroundedExtremes | Understanding and governing groundwater to reduce risk of hydrological extremes | NL |
INTERLAYER | The complex interlink of safeguarding water availability and quality to mitigate and adapt to hydroclimatic extremes in Europe | PT |
ISOSCAN | Isotope-aided assessment and forecasting of hydroclimatic extremes in Scandinavia with stakeholder co-design | NO |
LandEX | Improving landscape resilience by integrating measures to adapt and mitigate hydrological extremes | NL |
MARSURE | Hybrid Managed Aquifer Recharge as an adaption tool to ensure a resilient and healthy groundwater resource | DK |
MegaWat | Megadroughts in the Water towers of Europe - from process understanding to strategies for management and adaptation | AT |
MEWS | Managing events and extremes in water supplies | SE |
MORE4WATER | Combined monitoring and forecast for a sustainable management of water resources and timely adaptation to drought | IT |
NeWater | Natural based and low energy consumption unconventional solutions for the management of water sources | IT |
PreVir | Towards an early-warning tool predicting enteric virus contamination in coastal watersheds | FR |
RESCUE | Resources in coastal groundwater Under hydroclimatic extremes | IT |
SmartWater4Future | Coupled urban-rural water infrastructure management under hydroclimatic extremes with decision support system | SE |
Springiness | Management of rainwater runoff in urban areas for tackling extreme hydroclimatic events | CZ |
STARDUST | Ultra-sensitive optical sensor system for simultaneous, in-situ detection of multiple pesticides in surface and ground waters | NO |
SWMOF | A smart process for water harvesting from air and water distribution based on eco-friendly MOFs | PT |
TREASURE | Treasuring groundwater and reclaimed water for drought adaptation | ES |
TWIN-Waters | Digital Tools for Sustainable Water Resources Management: Integrating impact of climate change, land use, and optimised solutions | SE |
WaMA-WaDiT | Water management and adapation based on watershed digital twins | ES |
WATER-BIOFIL | Next-generation biodegradable filters for water purification and desalination | RO |
WaterGreenTreat | A green approach in the frame of circular economy: robocasted photocatalysts for wastewater treatment and use of reclaimed water in agriculture | RO |
Thirty-Four Funding Agencies from all over Europe and abroad announced a joint transnational call for research and innovation projects on:
“Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events and management tools”.
The joint transnational call was launched in the framework of the European partnership Water4All and supports research and innovation projects aimed at delivering knowledge, models, approaches, tools and methodologies to better understand hydrological processes at different scales, in order to respond more efficiently to emerging water issues related to extreme events.
In line with the strategic objectives of Water4All, the results of the projects will contribute to the implementation of evidence-based, global, EU and national water management policies and strategies, within the frameworks of the Green Deal, the Water Framework Directive, Just Transition and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, governance playing a key role in water challenges, the 2022 Joint Transnational Call will seek innovative governance models, and enhanced participation of stakeholders in water management issues related to extreme events.
- Call Opening: 1st September 2022
- Submission Deadline of Pre-proposal: 31st October 2022 at 15:00 (CET)
- Selection of Pre-proposals: 15th February 2023
- Opening Full Proposals submission: 27th February 2023 at 14.00 (CET)
- Period of Appeal : 27th February - 13rd March 2023
- Submission Deadline of Full-proposals: 27th April 2023 at 15:00 (CET)
- Selection of Proposals: October 2023
- Projects kick off / Start: 1st quarter 2024
Call Topics
The call will focus on solutions for hydroclimatic extreme events, as described in the Water4All Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Theme III “Water for the future: sustainable water management”, as well as address the cross-cutting Theme VII “Governance” and Theme V “Water Infrastructures”. Research & innovation proposals submitted under the Water4All 2022 Joint Transnational Call are required to address at least one of the following topics:
Topic 1. Resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events
- Addressing knowledge gaps in our understanding of the causes of water scarcity, drought events, seasonal variability in climate impacts to develop adaptation and mitigation measures, taking climate change into account.
- Developing and demonstrating innovative (or improved) societally acceptable adaptation and mitigation strategies to cope with hydro-climatic extreme events and their increase in length and duration. This includes floods and droughts, although is not limited to them, adopting a regional or a basin scale wide approach.
- Improving resilience and adaptation capacity of water infrastructure (e.g., industrial water facilities, urban networks, wastewater treatment facilities, stormwater management systems and rural systems) to hydroclimatic extreme events.
Topic 2. Tools for water management - in the context of hydroclimatic extreme events
- Developing tools (e.g., multi-risk approach, decision support tools, monetary/non- monetary costs valuation) to support the design and implementation of strategies for adaptation and mitigation to hydro-climatic extreme events, especially floods (including “flash-floods”), heat waves and droughts in a catchment to sea perspective.
- Generating new methodologies, tools and models for water resources assessment/modelling for water bodies in scarcely monitored /data scarce areas. A combination of physical and digital solutions is expected, and opportunities provided by citizen science should be seized.
- “Smartening the water system” and use of innovative digitalization, including improved/new sensors, models, communications and computing technologies.
Topic 3. Improved water governance in the context hydroclimatic extreme events and international contexts
- Undertaking an analysis and developing robust Governance models for the management of water resources in the context of extreme events, is critical increasing the decision-making capacity of institutions and involvement of citizens. This should include ways of improving coordination between water managers to increase our capacity to reduce vulnerability to extreme events, as well as effectively respond to them.
- Addressing and encouraging international cooperation in the field of water, including management of transboundary water resources and contribution to Water Diplomacy.
Please note that it is not compulsory to address all subtopics within a topic in the proposals.
Call Documents to Download / Video
Water4All 2022 JTC Call Announcement Download National/Regional Regulations Download Funding partner organisations & national contact points. Download Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Download Guidelines for pre-proposal submission Download Presentation of the Webinar Download Webinar: Watch the recorded webinar below: