The EUBA is one of the oldest universities in Slovakia. It is a leading public university with extensive
experience in research and teaching in Economics, Business, Finance, Management and International
Relations. The EUBA has more than 7 400 students at its 7 faculties and it is the centre of education
and research in these disciplines in Slovakia. Its faculties prepare students for careers in state
administration, embassies, governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as in private
multi-national corporations, and for the past years it has topped the ranking in terms of graduate
employment rates. Over 80% of EUBA academic staff holds a PhD. The University uses quality
standards compliant with ENQA. Currently, the EUBA is in the final stage of its AACSB accreditation and
is expecting the final AACSB accreditation committee visit. At this stage, AACSB has already preapproved EUBA’s compliance with the AACSB evaluation standards, thus EUBA has a good chance to
be the 1st AACSB-accredited university in the region of Slovakia, Czechia, and Hungary.
The EUBA staff has been involved in several international projects supported by H2020, LLP, FP6, FP7,
COST, South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, as well as by Structural Funds of
the EU. Over the past decade, EUBA has successfully implemented the H2020-TWINN-2015 project
EDGE (GA 692413), H2020-PHC-2014 project EURO-HEALTHY – Shaping EUROpean policies to promote
HEALTH equity (GA 643398); has received funding for H2020-MSCA-RISE2016 No. 734459, eMobility –
Electromobility in urban transport: a multidimensional innovation (socio-economic and environmental
effects), and H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-02-2018 project MAGYC – Migration Governance and Asylum
Crisis (GA 822806), COST Action Climate Change, Environment and Migration (CA IS1011), COST Action
European network for argumentation and public policy analysis – APPLY (CA 17312), FP7-SSH
WWWforEurope (GA 290647), and FP7-SSH Lifelong Learning, Innovation, Growth and Human Capital
Tracks in Europe – LLLight for Europe (GA 290683). EUBA also participates in several Erasmus+ projects.
The interdisciplinary research in the field of entrepreneurship and/or digital skills has intensified
through projects such as H2020-FinTech (GA 625215), Interreg ENTER-transfer (CE1158), CORALL
(2019-1-HU01-KA203-061070), and most recently D-COLLAB (2020-1-SK01-KA226-HE-094384).